Thursday, June 16, 2011

Is your pet spending time home alone?

Do you work a long hours? Does your pet spend extensive amounts of time at home alone? Keeping your pet busy when unsupervised is important to curb destructive behaviors such as chewing on furniture, or destroying other household items. Here are some ideas to keep your pet busy while you are away.

Pet Boarding Facility
Day care, or boarding services are available throughout the week, and some on weekends and holidays. The great thing about day care services is they include supervision while you are unable to be with your pet. Also, in a boarding environment pets will learn social skills through interaction with other animals at the facility. This type of arrangement is especially useful when your pet requires special feeding arrangements or daily medicine.

Pet Sitter
Pet sitting services include one on one interaction with your pet inside your own home. Pet sitters often offer dog walking services and some minor household chores, such as watering plants or bringing in the newspaper. Much like boarding facilities, a pet sitter can help with special meal times and medications.  

Toys, toys, toys.
The more toys your dog has, the less likely they are to make a chew toy out of your remote. Chew toys or a treat filled Kong will probably keep your dogs attention longer than a ball or a stuffed toy. Fill a Kong with wet dog food or peanut butter and freeze it over night for a treat that can last hours.

Animals are curious by nature so providing them with plenty of stimulation while you are away is important for their well being. When you are not boarding your pet, or do not have a pet sitter, be sure to provide plenty of treats and toys to keep your pet busy.  No effort is too small to provide entertainment for your pet. Even something as simple as opening the blinds can provide your pet with hours of visual stimulation. And when you get home you will be thanked with no less than a wagging tail and a big wet kiss.

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