Friday, June 10, 2011

Pets on the go

Summer vacation time is finally here. All you bags are packed, the gas tank is topped off and the whole family is anxious to get out on the open road, but what about Fido and Fifi?

When boarding your pet or pet sitting is not your favorite option and you would rather take your pet with you on your adventures, there are some things that you should know first. Traveling with pets can be filled with fun and excitement but it can also provide you with the challenges similar to that of traveling with a small child. By providing a safe, comfortable environment with some of the comforts of home it can be made much easier. 

When traveling with pets it is important to bring along all the necessities. What?  You mean Fido needs luggage too? Nah, you can fit all the important items in your bag. You will want to make sure to bring up to date shot records and a photo of your pet (just in case he/she decides to take an unexpected day trip of their own), and most importantly, a first aid kit for emergencies. And last, but not least, don’t forget the leash!
Riding in a car can be dangerous for pets if they are not restrained properly. Also, a dog that is nervous in the car can tend to pace making them car sick or try to crawl in the floor board which can be dangerous to the driver. Dog safety harnesses are available and can be very comfortable. If you have room for it, you should bring along a kennel.  It can be like a home away from home when filled with the blankets that smell like home.  Also, bringing along some toys from home can also ease the stress of traveling.  Although some pets may not eat a lot while on vacation, it is important to continue to feed them the same diet as they normally eat so as to avoid upset tummies. Don’t forget to bring food and water bowls which can come in very handy on pit stops. 

Speaking of potty breaks, don’t forget them! Remember, a nervous pet may need to potty more frequently so be sure to allow time for plenty of rest stops. Rest stops are a good time to bring out the Frisbee, take a walk or even a jog. A little exercise may help your pet be a little more restful while in the car.  Stopping at rest stops with your pet is always a great time to meet new friends. People are looking for anything to relax their minds for a bit and a wagging tail or a flopping tongue is sure to do the trick.

Some four-leggers are not as savvy at traveling as their two-legged companions. If you are planning a trip with your pets it might be a good idea to acclimate them to riding in a car. Most pets know the trip to the vet’s office but spend little other time in the car. Why not take a ride around the neighborhood or drive to the park? These little drives will not only get your pet used to riding in the car but can also be a chance for you to learn if your pooch’s riding style. Does your furry friend like to watch the cars go by, or feel like they need to crawl into the floor and find a safe place? Knowing these things in advance can help you to know exactly what to prepare for. 

Before your departure, make sure your pet is up to date on all their shots. There are many hidden diseases for your friend to find so be sure to tell your vet of your travel plans so they can make sure that you have all the right vaccinations. Does your pet get car sick? Talk to your vet about medicine to help ease the queasies. 

Vacationing with your pet can be fulfilling, but if not prepared it can turn into a disaster. Be sure to call ahead and make sure that your pets will be welcome at your destination. With all these tips in hand you can be sure to have a fun and less stressful trip.  

1 comment:

  1. Yes, vacationing with our pets is very enjoyable too. I also the idea of bringing with you your pet on vacations..
